An unconfirmed but widely speculated probe by the Department of Justice could yet result in criminal charges or a large fine. 司法部或将启动的调查有可能使通用汽车面临刑事指控或巨额罚款。
In February the DoJ extracted its largest ever criminal fine for overseas bribery. 今年2月,美国司法部开出了一张迄今为止涉及海外贿赂的最大金额罚单。
Criminal fine exchanging institution is a vicarious system when criminal fine can not be carried out. 罚金刑易科,是指在不能执行罚金刑时采取其他措施来替代执行罚金刑的制度。
Merck agreed to pay a$ 321 million criminal fine and plead guilty to one misdemeanor count of illegally introducing a drug into interstate commerce, the Justice Department said in a news release. 美国司法部在一次新闻发布会上表示,默克制药公司对其在洲际贸易中非法引入药物表示认罪,并愿意支付3.21亿美元的刑事罚款。
Charges: breach of peace and criminal mischief. Fine:$ 90. 代价:犯罪行为。罚款:90美元。
Meanwhile, full attention should be paid to the criminal fine and other penalty items in this crime. 同时,对于本罪中罚金刑的适用及与相关犯罪的区别也应予以充分重视。
It also includes the largest criminal fine ever in any case in the United States, more than one billion dollars. 这一裁决也是美国任何案例中最大的刑事罚款,超过10亿美元。
Tax official: the taxpayer will face stringent criminal punishment in addition to the fine. 税务局:除罚款外要追究行事责任。
So in order to reduce its drawbacks and exploit its potentials, we should define the nature of criminal fine exchanging institution, establish the scientific exchanging system, set up and improve the relative supplementary measures at the same time. 所以,应明确罚金刑易科的性质,确立科学的易科制度,同时也要建立和完善相关的配套措施,以尽量减少其弊端,充分发挥其应有效用。
The compensation principle of civil liability should be revised in the modern society, punitive damages can remedy the insufficiency of civil liability on preventing function and has the irreplaceable function of fine and criminal fine; 民事责任的补偿性原则在现代社会需要进行修正,惩罚性赔偿可以弥补民事责任预防不足的缺陷且具有罚金和罚款不可替代的功能;
Legitimation and Feasibility of Criminal Fine Exchanged Penalty System 罚金刑易科制度的正当性和可行性
The System of Criminal Fine Discussion On the Perfection of the Criminal Fine 罚金刑制度论刍议我国罚金刑之完善
On the Legitimate Basis and the Design of Criminal Fine Exchanging Institution 论罚金刑易科制度的正当根据与制度设计
The System of Criminal Fine 罚金刑制度论
To meet the necessity of the harmonious development of our society and a flexible policy, criminal fine should be reformed like this: Widen the scope of application; 为适应和谐社会发展目标和宽严相济刑事政策的需要,我国罚金刑应进行如下完善:适用范围应进一步扩大;
China should improve the offense of securities insider trading of the criminal penalties. Different subjects should be treated differently and improve the criminal fine. 我国应完善对证券内幕交易罪的刑事处罚,对于不同主体应区别对待并完善罚金刑。
However, the criminal fine in the legislative, judicial practice, there are all kinds of confusion. 然而,罚金刑在立法、司法实践中尚有种种困惑。
There three reasons of difficulties to implement the criminal fine. First, the economic conditions of the offenders are generally poor and unable to pay the fine. Second, the fine is too heavy for the offenders to afford. 罚金刑执行难的原因是:一是犯罪人经济状况普遍较差而无力缴纳罚金,二是罚金刑负担过重而超出犯罪者的承受能力:三是服刑犯因无偿劳动而无力履行罚金刑,等等。
Finally, we should establish penalty provisions of mediation bribery crime alone, add criminal fine, improve qualification-penalty and abolish death penalty, give full play to the preventive function of the penalty. 最后,建议单独规定斡旋受贿罪刑罚条款,在刑罚种类方面应增设罚金刑、完善资格刑和废除死刑,充分发挥刑罚的特殊预防功能。
Western countries have a high rate of criminal fine, mainly related to its broad criminal bounded domain. 第二部分,西方国家罚金刑之适用率很高,主要与其宽泛的犯罪界域有关。
But also in the statutory sentence, it should add the crime of criminal fine, to increase the deterrent effect on criminals, and international practice. 而且在法定刑方面,应对本罪增设罚金刑,以增加对犯罪份子的震慑力,与国际接轨。
In this guidance, this paper discusses the implementation of criminal fine strength problem, judicial applicability problem, put forward the suggestion of legislative and judicial departments. 在这个思路的指导下,本文探讨了罚金刑的执行力度问题、司法适用性问题,提出了对立法与司法部门的建议。
The exchanged penalty systemas most Western countries to solve difficult criminal fine effective means of implementation, Its safeguard effect of the operating of fine punishment have been proved by judicial practice in many countries. 罚金刑易科制度作为大多数西方国家解决罚金刑执行难的有效手段,其保障罚金刑运行的效果已被许多国家司法实践所证明。
This article by analysis of the current criminal law legislation of defects of pecuniary penalty, refer to the development of international criminal fine trend, ventures into related solutions. 本文在通过剖析我国现行刑法中罚金刑立法的缺陷,参考国际罚金刑的发展总体趋势,探求相关解决对策。
In fact, the western countries according to the penalty to distinguish the felony, misdemeanor, and crime of illegal police: criminal felony mainly for free punishment, illegal police offense is generally only applicable to small criminal fine. 事实上,西方国家犯罪界域之重罪、轻罪、违警罪便主要按照惩罚方式予以区分:对重罪主要适用自由刑,对违警罪一般则只能适用小额罚金刑。
The requirements of that section delete the production and sale of fake medicines in must be "sufficient to serious harm to human health", and added" there are other serious circumstances "of punishment, and to modify the relevant provisions of the criminal fine. 该条删除了生产、销售假药罪必须足以严重危害人体健康的要求,增设了其他严重情节其他特别严重情节的处罚,并修改了罚金刑的相关规定。
The mitigation of penalty is one of the basic trends of the development of the criminal law, and the fine punishment always plays an important role in the process of the mitigation of penalty, with increasing applicable rates in the countries. 刑罚轻缓化是刑法发展的基本趋势之一,而罚金刑始终在刑罚轻缓化的进程中发挥着重要的作用,在各国的适用率越来越高。
First it describes the general penalty for insurance fraud, on the basis of which, carries out an analysis about the amount of insurance fraud, the issue of aggravated offense by circumstances, the applicable laws and regulations about the criminal fine of insurance fraud and expropriation. 首先对保险诈骗罪刑罚的一般规定进行了阐述,在此基础上对保险诈骗犯罪的数额认定、情节加重犯问题,以及保险诈骗罪罚金刑与没收财产刑的法律规定与适用展开了分析。
On the fugitives should be punished severely, and additional criminal fine, encourage criminals or their relatives from the economic point of view, early surrender. 对逃犯应从重处罚并增设罚金刑,促使罪犯或其亲属从经济角度考虑,早日自首。
Our country criminal law only has the fine punishment for the unit crime of "unit", which is not enough. This makes it difficult to fundamentally control the flood of unit crime is. 我国刑法所规定的单位犯罪中对单位这一犯罪主体适用的刑罚处罚方法只有罚金刑一种,这是远远不够的,是难以从根本上控制日趋泛滥的单位犯罪行为的。